Seminario. José M. Gracia Bondía (DFTUZ)
Conferenciante: José M. Gracia Bondía.
Título: "From the graviton to gravity"
We try to lift a corner of the veil covering "dequantization", in the
realm of gravitational theory. As it happens, quantum gravitational interactions involve more complication that just the coupling of
stress-energy-momentum tensor to gravitons. A rigorous approach based
on the autonomous formulation of QFT demands graviton's self-interaction, leading to the (perturbative development of) Einstein's action.
[Joint work with Ch Gass (Varsovia) y K.-H. Rehren (Gotinga)]
Fecha: jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2023
Hora: 12:10 horas
Lugar: Seminario de Física Teórica