Seminario. Violeta González Pérez (Investigadora Programa Atracción de Talento CAM, Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Speaker: Violeta González Pérez (Investigadora Programa Atracción de
Talento CAM, Departamento de Física Teórica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Title: DESI 2024 Cosmological results and the modelling of galaxies
Abstract: In this talk I will review the main cosmological results
from the first year of data from the Dark Energy Survey Instrument
(DESI). We live in a strange Universe from which we understand less
than 4% of its total energy-matter content. This 4% corresponds to the
luminous Universe, our window to understanding dark matter, dark
energy, and the first instants after the Big Bang. Cosmological
surveys such as DESI and Euclid aim to constrain the amount of dark
matter, the nature of dark energy, the neutrino masses and the
characteristics of inflation, measuring the clustering of galaxies and
quasars from 3D maps.
Cosmological simulations have played a fundamental role to test
analysis pipelines and to better determine the systematic errors we
induce by our ignorance on galaxy formation and evolution. One of the
cosmological tracers targetted by DESI are galaxies with strong
spectral emission, ELGs. These are expected to provide one of the
densest data sets and they are being targetted by other Stage-IV
surveys such as Euclid. I will also describe the effort we are making
to better understand these galaxies as cosmological tracers at z~1.
Fecha: jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2024
Hora: 12:10 horas
Lugar: Seminario de Física Teórica